Bariatric Supplements

Establishing good lifelong habits with daily supplements can be a key part of your weight loss journey. Eviva works with a select group of preferred vendors to offer a great selection of supplements and snacks that will help you meet your weight loss goals.

Eviva is working with Bariatric Advantage to provide you start kits for Bariatric Surgery and Medical Weight Loss patients to help them get started on the right path to healthy living.


We are the surgeons who pioneered the outpatient LapSleeve® procedure. We have performed this procedure, which is a variation of the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, on over 3000 patients. Our board-certified surgeons, physicians, and dietitians work in concert in a program tailored to your story.

Weight Loss Surgery

Deciding whether to partake in bariatric procedures is a difficult one. You’ve made it this far, and have already begun the process. Learn more about the minimally invasive bariatric procedures options that our board certified surgeons can provide to help you accomplish your weight loss goals.

How can we help you?